Reflective Task for session 1

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15 Responses to Reflective Task for session 1

  1. Nilema Khanom says:

    Praising children for good behaviour to set high standards in order to motivate other children to imitate good behaviour.

  2. Bunmi Enirayetan says:

    One of the strategies that I have used in the classroom to motivate my class is by praising behaviour and having a rewards system in my class. I’ve seen that this enables the children to not only work on themselves but work as a team.
    Another thing that I have done to influence resilience is by developing a strong growth mindset in my classroom. This allows the children to not focus on their failures but to rather think positively on how they can always try and do better next time.

    • samar razin says:

      In our school we use praise a lot and positive language. This has a huge impact on children. In class, we use Smiley Face reward system to praise good answers, good behaviour and ensure positivity in class environment. Also, I personally use Dojo points system, where the highest collector receives a certificate and together we celebrate achievements. The main thing is to be clear about the expectations and why children are receiving rewards. We also send Good News Notes to parents so they too encourage positivity and celebrate good behaviour and achievements of learning. The children respond really well and display good manners and work. Be specific and consistent.

  3. Gulnaz Farhana says:

    To build a good rapport with the children i.e learn something about the children’s interests and hobbies. This will build a sense of trust between the teacher and pupil and will also make learning more enjoyable for them.

  4. Samar Razin says:

    I try to increase my interacting with students in a positive manner, exhibit positive behaviors, and maintain a positive attitude. Children respond well to positive praise and rewards. It also encourage healthy competition. At school we use the Smiley Face – so that teachers display pupils’ names for achieving correct answers or completing good work. We also send Good News Note to parents telling them how well their child did at school. We also praise good behaviour and ensure class rules are clearly displayed.
    I personally use Dojo points too in class. it does the magic and children respond really well to it. They receive a reward for collecting 50 or more Dojos then another reward for 100 Dojos etc
    The impact is great. The children work hard and they learned to respect each other and use positive language in class.

  5. Tahfiza Chowdhury says:

    I’ve used screen sharing using the Ipad where I walk around showing children’s work and they have a chance to magpie ideas from other children. Whilst walking around and showing children’s work, I praise their individual efforts which gives the lower attainers confidence that they are on the right track and can also have an opportunity to share their work.

  6. Memona Paracha says:

    To influence positive behavior in my class I have been focusing on praising positive behaviors and using reward systems such as dojo points, which my class are really motivated by. I also do star of the day at the end of each day, where I make sure I am specific about all the positive things that child has done in the day to become star of the day. I have found that this encourages the other pupils to behave in a similar way.

  7. Saba Hussain says:

    Repeating the classroom rules such as ‘always trying our best’ is a great way of keeping pupils motivated, especially when pupils feel hesitant to engage with particular learning tasks that they find challenging. I also refer to the 5 C’s daily – care, cooperation, commitment, courtesy, consideration. These work really well in regulating behaviours, keeping children motivated and resilient when learning. I also give out weekly commendations which are based on how well pupils have followed the 5C’s for that week. Pupils really look forward to finding out who has received a commendation and the reason behind it.

  8. Orli West says:

    In my class, I always try to focus on the positives rather than negatives. We have spoken a lot about how our mindset impacts our choices and feelings and they know that finding the ‘silver lining’ often makes them feel better than being negative does. They also know that I value hard work above all other attributes, and so they do not feel so defeated when they get something wrong, so long as they tried their best. To aid this, I point out anytime I make a small mistake, such as mispelling a word, writing something up wrong etc. This way I can model how to respond to making a mistake. I also have an individual behaviour system (smiley faces) and a class behaviour system of marbles. They respond well to the smiley faces, and also enjoy working together to gain the marbles, as it helps them to regulate their emotions and choices when they acknowledge the impact that it could have on the rest of the class.

  9. Arfah Qureshi says:

    A strategy that I have used is constantly praising positive behaviours in the class and rewarding the positive behaviours by using Dojo points, giving stickers, personalised stickers etc. By doing so, the other children in the class start to imitate the same behaviours.

  10. Arfah Qureshi says:

    In my class, a strategy that I use is constantly praising positive behaviours in the class and rewarding the positive behaviours by using Dojo points, giving stickers, personalised stickers etc. By doing so, the other children in the class start to imitate the same behaviours.

  11. Fatimah Patel says:

    I strongly believe in the use of various reward systems to influence motivation and self-regulation in young learners. For instance, I use a marble jar to reward whole class behaviour – when children work together in a positive way they are rewarded with a marble(s). They are strongly aware that this takes a whole class effort and I often give more attention to the behaviours that children need to work on as a class for example, walking to the computing suite in silence. In addition, individual behaviours are also rewarded through the smiley face chart, certificates, good news notes and specific positive praise at the time the behaviour is displayed. I think celebrating fantastic behaviour is key in any classroom, it riases moral, engages as well as motivates learners in the best of ways.

  12. Nabila says:

    I have implemented the following strategies to help promote resilience, self-regulation and motivation of children in my classroom: table points, dojo points, positive praise and personalised stickers. The class have responded well to the following strategies, particularly table points and individual dojo points.

  13. Harry Ferner says:

    I always aim to praise positive behaviour over commenting on negative behaviour. I have found that the children often respond far better to a positive role model that has been pointed out to the class. When a child is praised the other children often begin to copy their actions and recognise that they can also be rewarded for showing positive beahviour. This can be done through reward/house points or extra time for break time on a friday.

  14. Max Hinds says:

    In my class we use Class Dojo as a reward system but I have also discussed the Power of Positivity(P.O.P) and a can do attitude with my class and from the very first day explained why this is important to me and should be important to them to make things possible and why they should never give up and encourage their friends and family as well.

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