NQT Session 2 Misconceptions

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2 Responses to NQT Session 2 Misconceptions

  1. Max Hinds says:

    The children in year 4 will be learning how to multiply 3 numbers together when we return after the Christmas break, a common misconception that I have found when teaching this or it comes up in a test is the idea that they can add the first two numbers together and then multiply the answer by the remaining number.

    I believe the easiest way to handle this misconception is to work the answer out in the correct way, and then ask the class “can I just add the first two numbers together and then times it by the last?” Then follow through with working it out to show them this doesn’t work out so it’s the incorrect way to solve the problem.

  2. Nabila says:

    In Mathematics, some children were learning to subtract 3-digit numbers using a number line. The children were able to apply J-100, J-10 and T-10 when it came to addition. However, some children found it challenging to subtract and target 10. For example, the number 23.

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