NQT Session 2 Prior Knowledge

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7 Responses to NQT Session 2 Prior Knowledge

  1. Nurcan says:

    I expect children to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables before starting year 3. I also expect they know halves and double, number bonds to 10 and 20. I would expect them to use basic grammar, such as full stops, capital letters. Also that they know what a noun and verb is.

    I could support children with weaker prior knowledge by taking time in the day for interventions. This could be in the morning, or short time in the afternoon, or even when lining up, which could be used for things like times tables or halves and doubles.

  2. Bunmi Enirayetan says:

    I expect children to know their times tables and simple grammar phrases and meanings before starting year 5. I also expect them to be confident and solid in punctuations such as capital letters, full stops, commas and speech marks.

    One way that I have been supporting the children with weaker prior knowledge is by having morning starter questions that focus on grammar, spellings and times tables. With what is covered during these times, the children practice this during the lessons for the day.

  3. Nilema Khanom says:

    I expect children to know most of phonetic sounds. I could support children with weaker prior knowledge by implementing early interventions, recapping the sound of the day and previously taught sounds.

  4. Max Hinds says:

    I expect children to be secure in their knowledge of their times tables up to the 10x table, they should have a secure understanding of how to comprehend a text to a high standard, children to be secure in their knowledge of place value, a good understanding of SPAG.

    To support children’s prior knowledge I would effectively utilise intervention groups, use additional resources for these children and pre-teach new vocabulary.

  5. Max Hinds says:

    I the minimum expectation that I have for the average child in year 4 to be secure in their knowledge of their times tables up to the 10x table, they should have a secure understanding of how to comprehend a text to a high standard, children to be secure in their knowledge of place value, a good understanding of SPAG.

    To support children that may have a lack of prior knowledge I would effectively utilise intervention groups, use additional resources for these children and pre-teach new vocabulary. Parents of these children could be spoken to for them to be able to support them further indoors with their understanding.

  6. Gulnaz says:

    By the end of reception, I expect children to write their name independently and to correctly form their letters . I would like them to recognize and order numbers from 1 -20. Also, I expect them to put on their coat and be more independent in every aspect of learning.

    I could support children with weaker prior knowledge by having an 1:1 intervention or a group intervention during the week. This could be during the school day or after school booster.

  7. Nabila says:

    By the end of Year Three, I expect children to have a secure understanding of three-digit numbers (hundreds, tens and ones), to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide three-digit numbers (crossing boundaries). To be able to apply their understanding to 2-step word problems, etc. missing numbers and commutative number sentences. In Writing, to be able to form simple sentences, including capital letters, full-stops, adjectives, fronted adverbials, etc. without prompt. To be able to read fluently and good pace- to be able to retrieve and apply their reading to comprehension questions.

    In terms of children with weaker prior knowledge, to deliver short interventions (2/3 times p/week) consistently. To continuously revisit, practice and apply their understanding to questions.

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