Author Archives: Deleted User

Ahhhh, dinosaurs, dinosaurs everywhere!

Dear Big Ted,

Reception have been spending more time outside as it has been such nice weather. We have been exploring nature in the meadow, digging for dinosaur bones, looking for woodlice and watering plants to make sure they stay alive.

This week we are learning about some really scary creatures; Dinosaurs! We are going to use cameras to go on an exploring adventure and take pictures to record what we have found. We are going to make our own dinosaur fossils using pasta/wheat and other bits. We are going to learn the very loud but funny dinosaur song. We are going to practise our adding of numbers.

Lots of love Reception S/T/U

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Diary Entry #2 “Gingerbreadman!”

Week beginning 15th-19th May 2016

Dear Bear,

This week we are going to make gingerbread men. We’ll be trying to remember what he did and saw on his adventures. We are going to make some puppets for the story. We’ll teach you how to play “I-Spy” to find 3D shapes. We are going to write our own story about magical food. We are going to learn about spring. We are going to make some Bee bots run forward, backwards, left and right.

Love from Reception S/T/U

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A big “Happy Birthday” to the Queen

Week: 9th-13th  May 2016

Dear Bear,

This week Reception learnt about the Queen; where she lives, what she does, about her family and what she did when she was at school. We had a street party to wish her a happy 90th birthday. We had lots of food and danced in the reception garden. A crow landed in our garden to get some food. We made flags. We made our own clocks using paper plates and split pins and practised our counting. It was very sunny this week!

Reception classes S/T/U



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