The Ending Of The Dark By Riddhi

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6 Responses to The Ending Of The Dark By Riddhi

  1. begum says:

    Well done you have used dashes and you have also used ellipses also you used your senses next time used ispaced!

  2. gondr says:

    Wow, I like that story because you ended it in suspense.
    you have used a variety of punctuation.
    next time try to use some ISPACED openers

  3. sheem says:

    well done you have used a variety of ispaced well done next time try to use expanded noun phrases

  4. sirga says:

    well done you have used lots of adjectives and you tried to vary sentence structures to make effects next time try to chec your spellings .

  5. khanl says:

    Well done you have used lots of punctuation. Next time try to use different ispaced openers.

  6. ghirl says:

    you used lots of adjectives and you tried to vary sentence structures to make effects next time please check your spellings

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