100 word poem Remember

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5 Responses to 100 word poem Remember

  1. salam says:

    Very good poem. Well done.

  2. begum says:

    Good work I really like the way you added a lot of detail, you could feel the emotion but you have repeated 1 word

  3. chopr says:

    Raman your poem is fun and interesting well done

  4. husak says:

    Great Raman, I really like how you wrote this poem with great description this is also is very good because it has a lot of emotion

  5. nirar says:

    Astonishing poem Raman, I like the part when you talk about the sadness in the poem and you talk about Remembrance Day. Next time make the poem make sense. I like how you put the Acrostic poem in order. Fascinating language from you

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