Wow Imaan! What fantastic use of varied language to help me get a clear picture in my mind; I was hooked till the end. Please make sure you check it before you publish as I can see some slight errors. Keep on writing, I can’t wait to see more.
Great job Imaan! You have some used some really wonderful descriptive and lovely language to really draw in the reader. Just make sure to re-read your work as there are a few errors that should be corrected before publishing. Keep up the excellent work!
Wow Imaan! What fantastic use of varied language to help me get a clear picture in my mind; I was hooked till the end. Please make sure you check it before you publish as I can see some slight errors. Keep on writing, I can’t wait to see more.
Great job Imaan! You have some used some really wonderful descriptive and lovely language to really draw in the reader. Just make sure to re-read your work as there are a few errors that should be corrected before publishing. Keep up the excellent work!
thank you very much I will take your advice on !
good start to you story remember to check your work
and use diffrent punctuation marks