100WC By Rhia

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2 Responses to 100WC By Rhia

  1. salam says:

    Wow! I really liked the pacing of this short story. I liked the idea about two sisters and how they escaped to go to the park. Well done.

  2. patee says:

    Hi Rhia,
    I really like your short 100 word story. The two girls which have escaped are very clever by the way they tip toed to the park. You have used a very good use are similes are powerful adjectives. I also like the way you have described their appearance through simile such as: ‘Lily is 9 years old and her skin is as smooth as a petal.’ That is a very good use of description. You have also used dialogue to make them have a conversation during this fabulous story. I also like your use of verbs. You have wonderful used the prompt in a absolutely wonderful way. Just a tip is to make sure of where you can add your commas to make a clause. You also have used past tense through out your story without changing it.
    A very well produced story, Well done!
    From Esha Patel!

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